Another Week Down


This was a very good weekend. (I just saw an article saying we should stop using ‘very’ but I didn’t read it.) I suppose it started last Thursday. We made our first road trip of the year. Well, not counting the trip from Harare to here. That was a road trip. Anyway, we headed south from here to the town of Rutenga. We were there last time, doing a stewardship presentation. The pastor thought about it upon getting into the pickup with us and after a moment or two recognized me as the stewardship guy. It is always nice to not be just some varungu, white person and we hear it a lot as we pass by places.

We went because there was a planned revival meeting scheduled for this weekend. We were there to check out places to hold the event and a place to spend the night. ‘Motels’ in rural Zimbabwe are either unpleasant places or more likely non-existent. So, people to what amounts to an Air BnB. We looked at a couple of places, both were quite acceptable. The one meeting place was a little questionable, a small, covered shelter where we did our training last time. I didn’t see the other two possibilities. But it was all for not. This is an election year, and some public gatherings are frowned upon as they might be political. So, this morning, we learned that the meeting has been postponed indefinitely. Whether it happens before we leave, we will just have to see.

Our next stop was Dine. We made a tour on the clinic there, visited a teacher about a deaf student that has not been able to attend since we left last time. We have an older computer that we filled with sign-language videos of the Bible. For the safety of the student and the computer it will be kept at the school office and the young man will come and view the videos. Sherry is really excited about it, and I am supportive of the project to be sure. There is a lot of work to be done at Dine, and some is happening. There was a waste-water project being finished up, plans for skirting, and tiling some floors. An electrical meter for the clinic is also in the works, thanks to a generous donor at Shelton Christian.


Saturday, I did a longer bike ride while Sherry attended a ladies’ regional get together. She had a great time and a story to tell. Here in Zimbabwe, the church ladies have some matching garments. There is what I would call a formal uniform, and a less formal dress. The dress has the logo of the Church of Christ printed on it. Evidently, there is a skirt, called an apron, which they put over their dress to keep it clear. Sherry bought one. She is part of the gang.


Then Sunday we went to Chiredzi Christian Church, our third visit. I preached a sermon on serve using Jesus’s words, “I came not to be served, but to serve.” (My paraphrase). We will be working closely with this church for the remainder of our time here. I will be mentoring the new pastor and the associate pastor and sharing in the preaching team. It is a good fit and I think Sherry and I have some things we can bring to its growth.


Today is Monday, March 13. That means it is Sherry’s birthday. This morning I arrange with the office manager to get some cupcakes and have all the staff celebrate. She got ginger muffins which were outstanding. We are going to that store to look for more. They sang the Zimbabwe version of Happy Birthday. It was fun. This evening, it is almost 3:00 pm here, our neighbors, Mark and Meghan and their daughters and Sherry and I are going out to dinner to celebrate. Meghan made arrangement for an awesome cake (watch Facebook for pictures). Sherry won’t read this before we go so, please don’t spoil the surprise (the cake) by mentioning it until you see the post.

A Huge Thank You!

I’m not sure I have mentioned it often enough, but thanks to all you who donated to our journey here. We met with a member of the preaching team this morning and it is pretty clear we are where we are supposed to be. It is not an accident, nor our own wishes that bought us back to Zimbabwe. God had, and has, something important for us to do. Could someone else have done it? Maybe. But we are the ones who said, “Yes.” If you want to help us out here, you can donate on the church web site ( or put a check in the offering box. Thanks again and God bless the mission he as called us to do.

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