Text: Revelation 3:20, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.”
Devotional: Our Advent journey for this year begins today. Advent is a season of waiting. In our text, Jesus waits for us. And thus he does. But we also find ourselves waiting as well. This season is more than preparing for Christmas. It is also a looking forward to his return.
Waiting is not easy.

There are several kinds of waiting, Like a man sitting on a bench. It might be relaxing but it is not Advent waiting.
There also the waiting with great expectation of something great happening, like a rocket on the pad. At some moment, someone somewhere is going to count backwards from 10 and blastoff.
Advent waiting is waiting for Christ to once again explode onto the scene. When he comes everything, absolutely everything changes. It is this grand entrance that the first incarnation heralded. It is that which we await this day. Maranatha, Lord come quickly.