I have been reflecting on this for a couple of weeks now. While in church listening to an offering meditation, the meditator used those oft quoted words of Jesus shared by Paul in Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” I have heard those words a zillion times. I have spoken them half of those zillion times. And it is not my intention to explore the context of that passage. Yet, in that moment I had a mild epiphany.
The truth is, I have lived much of my life as a receiver of people’s generosity. As a preacher of a church, my livelihood has come from the church offering plate. True, I have had side gigs, like working at the funeral home, but the main part of my financial life has been as a receiver of church donations, of people’s blessed giving.
I am not apologetic about that fact. I have always strived to live my life in such a way as to earn what I was given. I worked diligently. I was going to say “hard” but that might imply physical labor and while there were many physical days, that was not my main emphasis. The New Testament upholds the idea of paying those who work for the church. “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,’ and, ‘The laborer deserves his wages’” (1 Tim 5:17-18).
Yet, that morning, spoken by that meditator, the words had a different impact on me. My role has changed. I still do kingdom stuff. I still preaching and teach and work hard for the kingdom. However, there is a difference in my mind. (And you are welcome to help me change my mind.) I am asking people to be givers, to be the recipients of the blessings of God. I am not working with or for the people being asked to give. I am taking their gifts and heading to Africa, Mexico, Atlanta (ICOM location), or wherever God calls us. My acting as a receiver (and if someone gives, someone needs to receive) alters the relationship I have with those who do give. And as I write thing, my heart and mind are in fact adjusting to this new reality. Before I was the worker worthy of the honor of salary. Now the two of us have become partners in kingdom work. As I think about it, I am helping them do what we are all called to do, make disciples. It happens now that I am the goer (thus our mission’s name) and others are sending.
I feel better now. And while I am on the subject, we could use a few more givers. We have raised more money for our Africa 2025 trip that I have imagined. We are still a bit short, however. If you are needing a bit of blessing may I offer to be your receiver. Any gift is great but would you consider $100. Just a few of those would really help. Thanks.