
Throughout my life I have struggled with being a finisher. By that I mean, when I was finished with the main part of a project, I was poorGreen starting flag at putting tools away, where they belonged. Just put that screwdriver on the bench and I’ll deal with it later. Or I needed to clean out a brush, or an oil catch-pan, but later was always my personal option too often. I am good at starting things, but finishing is something I am still working on. I’m better, but not perfect.

This week I am trying to get out the giving statements for our mission. I have had the best of intentions to have them out this week, but it is looking more like next week. Part of the problem is that I was not as organized at the beginning of As We Go Missions. I was 

just keeping records on a folder. But that proved to be less than satisfactory. Then I started a spreadsheet in Excel. The problem with that is, I don’t know Excel that well (more like barely) and have had to learn things along the way. I know another spreadsheet program better, but others who might need to look at my spreadsheet don’t have that program, and it doesn’t play well with others.

A second issue has been that I didn’t know what information to save other than amounts. I am missing dates, donors, purposes, etc. Not on everything mind you, but just enough that this is a challenging process. 

A third issue has been another software program that I am learning to use. It tracks people, addresses, phone numbers, emails, and the like. It also tracks giving. But I didn’t start that until December (maybe November) and so I have not only had to learn how to use it, but catch up on all those who gave, when, how much, and their intentions.

So, here I sit tonight, looking at a less than helpful spreadsheet and pictures I took on my phone of checks I was depositing, entering data in a program that is very adequate but not stellar. I plan on being a finisher, however. Not tonight, but early next week.

Checkered Flag

And all this brings me to a bigger issue. One of the things I value in people is “Finishing Well.” I admire people who stuck to things. It is all too easy to quit things, like life, as we advance. One of the things I hope to hear from my Lord when I meet him are the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” That is what finishing well is all about. It is sharing love, and Jesus to the very end. It is investing time and energy into the kingdom, and the church. May all of us strive to be finishers, crossing life’s terminal line and seeing that flag wave us home.      

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