First Sunday of Advent – John the Baptist

First Sunday of AdventAdvent Candle

December 1, 2013

Text: Luke 1:80, “And the child grew and become strong in the spirit…”

Reflection: This statement seems too common, almost unnecessary, “the child grew.” Yet, it is found several times in the scriptures. Samuel continued to grow in stature and favor of the Lord and men. Very similar words of used of Jesus, who grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men.

That is what children do. It is their most important job. When a child does not grow, that is noteworthy, and concerning. God finds it necessary to record the fact that these, and other children grew. All three, Samuel, John and Jesus are key players in redemptions story. The story needed them to grow to men, men of wisdom, men of stature, and men of favor. This was not a job for children, or for immature men. Redemption’s story is hard work.

It is still a job for mature men and women. Advent is not simple a call to remember the birth of a baby. It is a summon to work. One of the things we have lost is the bell and the whistle, the call to work, to school, to church. Advent is that call, a call to take our place in sharing redemption’s great message. We too point people to Jesus.

Prayer: Father, may we become the people who share Jesus. May this Advent season be a time when those who don’t know what the season is really about, learn. May we be the witnesses, the heralds, those who tell our world the best news of all. Jesus came to save. In His name, Amen.

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