Taking A Break

restBetween my house and my kids' houses in the Portland area there are several rest areas.  I am not sure why (I am sure it has nothing to do with age), but most times I make the trip I have to stop at least once.  My favorite stop on the way down is at mile post 9 (or so) thought sometimes I only make mile post 53ish. On the way home, usually later on Saturday night, it is the rest stop at mile post 53, which is half way.

I usually stop to stretch and find some fine (well usually weak) coffee and a cheap, store bought cookie.  OK, sometimes I need to rest, I often ask myself a simple question, "Why can't I make it three hours without stopping?" The answer is, "Heck of I know, I just like to stop." Or more likely, I hate to drive. The point is usually I need a break and make one.

I told myself I was going to write a reflection every week. And I did for a month or so. Then I decided I needed a break.  As I think about it, I have to say that my journey has slowed a bit.  I finished my Whisper book was done and I am have way through the Halftime book I am reading. Then I stalled. I didn't digress and I have actually kept going on my other commitments devotionally and thankfulness. But reading and writing my reflection, no so good.  And I was feeling a bit bad about that. Until yesterday, when I got back into the books, and am here today, reflecting on my lack of reflecting. 

Our spiritual journey is not always a steady, uninterupted, climb. Just as with diet, exercise, marriage, family, work, life in general, there are ups and downs in our spiritual walk. I needed to hit a rest area and let myself stretch a bit. I am well stretched, and I found some coffee and cookies, so I am back in car, ready to head down the road, to continue this journey to holiness.