Making the Journey

It has been a couple of weeks since I have commented on this journey. I confess that it is a lot easier to say you are going to make a journey than to actually make the journey. I know people who have said time and time again, "One of these days I am going to _____ . . ."  The blank can be filled with so many things. I am going to read the Bible everyday. I am going to be more forgiving.  I am going to go skydiving. I am going to exercise. I am going to lose weight. I am going to start some project. But we never seem to start.

So getting started I have. In the first couple of weeks I have been reading Hibels' The Power of a Whisper. I am enjoying it very much. I cannot say that I have learned anything new, but I been challenged by his list of reason we don't hear his voice very often.  One of those reasons is because we don't let it get quiet enough to hear His whisper (my paraphrase).  Whether it is being busy or just making sure that there is something going on around. I need and want to have some quiet in my life.

A second thing (unrelated to Hybels) that came my way this week is an article by Gordon McDonald, How to Spot a Transformed Christian. Without his permission I will list the twelve items he listed in the article.

A Transformed Christian Is one who …
1. Has an undiluted devotion to Jesus.
2. Pursues a biblically informed view of the world.
3. Is intentional and disciplined in seeking God's direction.
4. Worships, and with a spirit of continuous repentance.
5. Builds healthy human relationships.
6. Knows how to engage the larger world.
7. Senses a personal "call" and unique competencies.
8. Is merciful and generous to those who are weaker.
9. Appreciates that suffering is part of faithfulness to Jesus.
10. Is eager and ready to express the content of his faith.
11. Overflows with thankfulness.
12. Has a passion for reconciliation. —GMac
I am sensing (hearing the whispers?) that this may well be the checklist for this journey.  I invite you to join me in making this your personal Chrisitan profile.  (If you want to know what any one of these means, let me know and I will explain it.) This list is a simplier list but not dissimilar to the one our church came up with several years ago.