Running Behind

I often heard people who retired talk about being busier than before. Well, I am not sure busier is the right term, but I have been busy. The big difference is what I am doing. I have been learning lots of new stuff. The starting of As We Go Missions has taken way more time and learning than I ever imagined. Things I thought were simple and I knew are crazy. I had to learn a whole new world of banking. Phone numbers tied to my account, and how Zelle works. I learned that I a Verizon still don’t get along very well and that they cannot sell me what I really wanted and needed. Then there is the whole keeping track of things. People send money and we spend it. That means we have to track that and who gave what to which project.

I still have my side gig at the funeral home. I added to it, however. I used to be a part of the recovery team and still am. But I am now also a cremation operator. There was a lot to learn to do that, with certification and licensing. Watching my coworkers, asking lots of questions and making a list. (If you saw my blog at As We Go Missions that will make more sense.) This is like a lot of jobs I have had. I must be very careful to do everything right. So far so good.

One of the things that has slipped is this blog. I often think of things I want to say, but by the time I have a moment to pick up my laptop and start writing, it is late, I’m tired, I forget, I lost track of what I wanted to say or why I was going to say it. I started this years ago as a way to share my thoughts of growing as a Christian. Being a disciple of Jesus is a journey. 

Just like this page, the journey with Jesus can become sidetracked and other things invade. I have been working more at the funeral home than before. I like it and there is good which comes from it. The mission is taking more time. Sherry has several projects, like a women’s retreat she needed my help with. We have been finishing camp projects with cabins and now the lodge. We have people to see, presentations so make, conferences to attend. The plate is full.

My focus, our focus, on the journey with Jesus must not get lost in the busyness. Worship is critical. Daily study/reading of the Word is a must. Not being with other believers on Sunday mornings is a pothole that can distract us. These can drag us down and we can lose way and momentum. Important things can simply get away from us. When I loaded this site this morning, I had 11 updates that needed to be made. 11! I am always more attentive to my website than that. I can say I was doing important stuff, and I was. But I was not taking care of something important to me. And if I am honest, I haven’t been riding my bike or getting much exercise. I haven’t jumped out of a plane for way too long. I need to go see my kids. I need to . . . 

The most important thing for me and you is to keep on the path of discipleship. Nothing is more important than spending time building that relationship with him.  

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