Journal Entry Seven

Yesterday was a nice day. In the morning I led team devotions from 1 John. (I am currently writing out the John epistles). After a bit of connection issues we got a tour of the orphanage here in Chiredzi. They call it The Village to help the kids feel better about themselves as Orphan carries some baggage with it. We were there two years ago and the changes made since then are amazing. Houses have been refurbished and one which had a tree fall through the rood has been repaired. There is a gardening project going for each house and some run off water issues addressed. We were impressed. We heard today that a new gate was being installed today which is a great improvement.

We then went home and made a bit of lunch. We didn’t do a lot the rest of the day. I did venture to the store a couple of times to get necessities, like a KitKat like bar which is wonderful. I have lost some weight while here so I am being careful on that front.

This morning started with me leading morning devotions, again from 1 John. After the meeting at which the various leaders of the ministries make their reports and ask questions, Sherry and I departed in different directions. Sherry and our host Mary Pruett headed of to Dinhe to check on a guest house that we will be staying in next month. It is a three to four hour drive over some rather rough roads. They found the guest house cleaned out but not ready for occupancy. Mattresses will be ordered tomorrow and cleaning and painting is to be done by the time we go back in June. (They assure us, Donna, all will be ready.)

I headed in the opposite direction. Alone and I went on our own bush adventure. I like to look at a map and figure out where I am going, but this place is not on any of my maps. Google found the primary school but didn’t give any location that I could decipher. So off we went. As we traveled, we passed the entrance to a game park. All or most of the African animals can be found there. Sherry and I are planning a camping trip there, and maybe one when the rest of our team come. We left the highway, if you want to call it that, and headed down a rather sketch road which only got sketchier as we traveled. At one point we came to a fork in the road. Alone said, “I think this is the way,” we went. Soon a second decision point with a little less confidence. A little over an hour later we passed a bore hole (what they call a well) at which point Alone said, “That must be new, I don’t remember that.” Yikes! But there had been a cluster of shops which we had just gone through so confidence was none-the-less high. A bit latter we arrived at Zungudza Church of Christ. 80 kilometers (50 miles) in 3 hours. Not bad at all. A couple of washed out bridges, an several yards in a stream bed. I loved it.

When we arrived Alone thought we should check out the river. Water from the river irrigates much of the land around the church so off on a short adventure. We arrived at a point above the water and walked down. As we walked I heard discussion of hippos and crocodiles. Two of my favorite African animals. We climbed up some rocks to getter a better look at the water. It was beautiful and lots of fun climbing. My new knees did fine, especially went I took my bifocals off. Age adds challenge.

We arrived back at the church where I did a teaching on stewardship. That is my assignment here and I am enjoying it. This group included 3 male leaders, the preacher, and 7 or 8 ladies of the church. They were engaged and appreciated what we did. This church was impressive. They have 160 people or so that attend. They build the walls of their church and the mission helped with the roof. They are now in the process of building a parsonage for the minister. It is about done and he and his family will be able to move out of the small church office.

After the meeting we had lunch. Sadza, and green leafy vegetable called rape (we grow it here in the states to make oil from the seeds), rice with a tomato relish that may be the best thing I have eaten in Zimbabwe ever, and chicken. After lunch we headed home and I arrived just before Sherry and Mary. We are now settled in, having had a nice dinner and ready for a night’s rest. Tomorrow more devotions and speaking to the Christian high school students here in town. God bless. Things are good in Zimbabwe!