Third Sunday of Advent

Advent lightsText: Luke 2:8-9, “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.”

Reflection: Throughout the Bible God, uses special messengers to deliver His word to people. These angels are sent from heaven at key moments to bring news. One might say, “See an angel? Take special note.”

The Advent story has a number of angels. One tells Mary about a child, another delivers the same message to Zechariah. Still another explains to Joseph that the baby is divine and not to worry about taking Mary as his wife.

On the night of Jesus’ birth, first one, then a host of angels make an appearance. They speak of joy, a manger, and a baby wrapped is swaddling cloths. As they finish their song, there is a grand promise, peace on earth. Today, we celebrate the Advent theme of peace. It is a peace with God, and a promise of peace for one another.  As they leave, others become God’s messengers, proclaiming peace. 

Prayer: Father, thanks for the peace offered to us.  May we take our place as tellers of peace to our community. In Jesus name, Amen.