The Journey Begins

I mentioned several weeks ago that I am beginning a spiritual journey. Its exact ending has yet to be determined. It ultimately is a journey to holiness, but it might lead through a twists and turns that I (and others) do not expect.

Well, that journey has begun. It starts with the reading of a book by Bill Hybels, The Power of a Whisper. I am on chapter three and enjoying it very much. I have yet to get to the meat, however. Yet, as I begin reading it, I can see a couple of possible traps.

The idea of listening to the voice of God might lead me somewhere I am not interested in going. It already took me to Haiti a dozen years ago. What if I listen intently to Him and He calls me out of my comfort zone again. I am not sure I am entirely ready for that. Prayer item: that I will be ready to go where He leads.
A second trap is using "listening to God's leading" as an excuse to do what I want to do. I know it happens with us all the time. We hear what we want to hear, no matter what was really said. I don't want to use this journey as an excuse to simple do what I want to do "in God's name." Prayer item: may I really hear what He says.
My goal is to blog each week the steps of the journey and some observation along the way. If you don't see something here for a few weeks, I give you permission to remind me.

I also give you permission to ignore this whole thing. It is afterall, my journey. I have and do invite others along with me. Your journey may be very different than mine. I plan to read a lot of the Church Fathers, the guys from the first ten centuries of the church. I also plan to spend some extra time in the Bible and listening to Christian music. You may chose to read something else. Or listen to sermon on the web, or a book on the spiritual disciplines.

I do hope that those who make the trip will gain insight and depth in the walk. May we bear well the name 'Christian.'